Sunday, 24 July 2016

Muscle stops responding to the same workouts...

Summer is coming !

Over the last six months, I've been implementing a series of changes with all my clients whether face to face or online. If you've had a good start to your training year and you've been consistent from February you would have noticed many changes to your routine. These changes are the key to gaining muscle, and changing body shape. These changes require careful planning!

Key points for increasing muscle and decreasing belly fat.
Meal timing and portion control are combined as one to give you the best results possible. Knowing what and when you're eating is one way to guarantee you the results you want. The right balance of protein, carbohydrates and fats are critical to your success. And what's more important is for it to be easy, you need to be able to get about your busy life and not have to think too hard about what you're eating. Eating tasty meals that deliver the correct nutrition balance allowing you to build muscle and decrease belly fat is easy once you know how.

Now that you're six months into the year your routine should look nothing like it did in February. You have a real strength and fitness base, and it's time to make changes.

Your focus is now on multijoint movements like squats, deadlifts, lunges, bench press, bent- over -row, standing press, etc. All these exercises give you huge bang for your buck. When combined correctly with the most important training variables, muscle growth and fat loss can't be helped.
Intensity is just one of these variables that need changing.  I typically start my clients with 8-12-rep range with 3-4 sets, remembering that you need to take care of your family and get to work, so it needs to be a routine that pushes you appropriately and gets the best from you all in under an hour. Changing your intensity i.e. rep range and sets is an ideal way to shock/change your muscle. Other variables like doing dropsets, changing volume, training to failure, rest periods are all points you should consider when you're training to increase muscle and decrease belly fat.

At Maxfitness I want you to get the best results possible with the time and commitment you can give me. Targeting problem areas with different exercises and angles of that exercise is something I specialise in. I believe everyone should have three triceps, not one. Haha
Challenge yourself because if you've been consistent, you'll notice big differences in the first few months. However, your muscle stops responding to the same workouts. This is where people start to lose their way. The program that led to those gains is becoming less efficient; your body adapts quickly. You need to challenge yourself.

I hope my words have motivated you to challenge yourself in the gym, If you're making time and have a plan, goals, if you want to change, be a little different, focus your butt off, then this Summer is going to be the best one you've ever had. Get into the gym this week, push yourself and embrace the burn!
Max Lemme

Friday, 15 July 2016

My idea is not to be too restrictive

As a healthy food and exercise professional, I want you to know that you can eat almost anything as long as the portion is small and the timing is correct. You can't be perfect all the time, and you need to enjoy life, your food is a big part of that. I like to focus on food that tastes delicious and keeps you in shape. My idea is not to be too restrictive. It's ok to occasionally enjoy fries, eat ice cream, chocolate and have an alcoholic drink, then come back to real food.

Giving up certain foods for a period has taught me how good I feel when I'm not eating them. I firmly believe, (and there's lots of scientific proof) that if you give your body a break from processing loads of sugar, fats and protein once or twice yearly, you'll be rewarded with a fitter, leaner, better-looking body. Your body's liver, kidneys, blood glucose, etc. need a break.

If you're feeling bloated, sluggish or find it hard to lose weight, these are all indications that you're eating and drinking too much of the wrong foods. It's a good idea to cleanse/detox twice a year if you can handle that. Just before the festive season and just after have to be the best options. Xmas and the new year get out of hand, and we all eat and drink too much, but this is why we exercise, eat well and stay healthy so that we can enjoy the holidays!

Try it, your body will love you for it!
Detoxing assists with improving your metabolism, kerbing your cravings and kick starting your weight loss.  It’s important to detox because overeating, consuming unhealthy foods and sugary drinks burdens your digestive tract and liver. Over time, this can lead to poor digestion and the inadequate absorption of nutrients. Foods like refined grains, starches, sugars, and unhealthy fats do not give your body the nutrients it needs. If you've been feeling hungry, tired and bloated, this can force your body to stay in fat storage mode. Your digestive tract and liver work together, so when one is stressed or overworked the other is too. One of the consequences of having an overstressed or toxic liver is that it becomes so overloaded that it can’t fully metabolise fat, which causes vitamin deficiencies and poor digestion.
Max Lemme.