Friday, 19 August 2016

Tips For Staying On Track This weekend!

Tips For Staying On Track This Weekend!

Let's just do this so you can’t blame me for your big weekend!
Tips for keeping on track! You have a hen’s night or a weekend away with your mates, and you want to stay on track and not put weight back on. Well, at least you’re thinking. Decreasing your body fat i.e. losing weight can take months of hard work. Putting on 2 to 5kgs can be achieved over a weekend. I’ll outline options, and hopefully, you’ll understand. Remember if it’s just one lunch out then one of the following will suit. If it’s lunch and dinner with desert and drinks, then another option might work best. If you plan on going on a weekend food and alcohol binge, then work out which option suits you best.

Option 1. Stick to your commitment and don’t waver from your Day Planner. You’ve lost x amount of weight; you haven't felt this good in years and are starting to enjoy the way you’re looking. You’ve started Max’s Challenge, and you don’t want to go back to your starting weight. People will understand. If anyone judges you, are they a friend?

Option 2. This one works well if it’s just one meal out, say lunch or dinner with your friends. Have a shake and eat a meal before you go out. Sounds crazy, but this simple tactic means you can order less because you’re feeling fuller. Maybe an entrée or share a meal etc. No dessert and maybe have a coffee if you haven’t had one yet that day.

Option 3. There’s no way out of drinking and eating too much. It might be your birthday; you’re almost at your ideal weight, and you know no matter what, you’re going to (let's be frank) get fatter. Enjoy the celebration, remember your weight is going to increase, understand that you will be craving sugar for days to come worse than ever before and be prepared to feel a little more bloated than you have for a while. What to do? It’s easy if you have a weekend like this coming up make sure the week leading up to it is spot on re Accountability Scores. Follow Phase 2 as strictly as possible and get some extra high-intensity exercise in, especially the day before or morning of celebrations. When you’ve finish celebrating, check your weight and depending how much you’ve put on, (because you will) choose to do either Phase 1 or Phase 2 with the shakes for 2 to 3 weeks. By doing this, you'll get your weight back down in 2 to 3 weeks. Don’t panic you have the skills now. Just follow your Day Planner.

The following is an old example, so don’t go getting anything for my birthday because I’ve had it… It’s my birthday this weekend. I’ve decided that I’m having lunch at one of my favourite restaurants in Sydney. I will be eating and drinking lots of food and alcohol. I’m also hanging for a dessert. I’ll be repeating this at dinner with extra alcohol. I know 100% that my weight will increase, anyone tells you that you can over eat and drink and not put weight on is lying to you! I haven’t had alcohol or dessert since Australia Day, about 20 something days. I have been working hard on getting my weight down from 82kgs to today 73.4kgs. After the weekend I will be repeating Phase 1. I will then mark on my calendar the next time I’ll be celebrating, the longer between celebrations the lighter I’ll be. I hope my example makes you understand the importance of having a plan.

Unfortunately, if you’re only 2 or 3 weeks into your challenge, chances are you’ll put most of the weight back on. The closer you get to 12 weeks the less impact your celebrations have. Your body needs to move through cleanse to fat burning, and this takes at least eight good weeks. I hope this helps and isn’t all bad, what’s important is that you have a plan, and you stick to it. Getting off track is part of the journey, it may take time, but you will get back on track.

Cheers Max

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