You may as well right off November, December and January |
Some great principles for health and weight management ongoing.
More information on Max's 21-day challenge?
Phase 1 Cleanse -7 days
Phase 2 Fat Shredding -14 days
Phase 3 Maintenance - 3 months
During Phase 3 you simply follow Phase 2 directives and meal plan. Just add in your CHEAT and TREAT meals. You follow the exact meal timing that has been so successful for you. The portion sizes DO NOT CHANGE. Follow your Phase 2 meal planner. It shows you exactly how many serves of protein, good fats and carbohydrates to eat at each meal. You are eating breakfast then your snack, lunch and then your snack, dinner and a snack if you have to. ROCKET SCIENCE I KNOW...
Phase 3 and your Snacks:
During phase 2 you should be using a whey free protein powder. (check membership site for details) Only use 2tsp, not a full scoop. If you have it with water and you are happy to continue stick to that. During Phase 3 you can start using your preferred liquid in your shake (250ml max). I use unsweetened almond milk, your choice; it's up to you. These two daily snacks are important if you want to continue to lose weight. These two snacks can be swapped for a protein meal of equivalent size, 85 grammes. If you wanted to have a small piece of meat or a tiny handful of nuts instead of the shake you can, BUT BE CAREFUL! The shake is always the best option for weight loss.
Phase 3 and Nuts:
Nuts are a good fat but a fat none the less. The reason you are losing weight is you are only eating two good fats a day. One with lunch and one with dinner. Be very careful not to overdo the addition of nuts, once or twice weekly is more than enough.
I enjoy my shakes; I find them quick, easy and filling. They are a small serve, and once I've had my afternoon shake, I know I won't be eating till dinner. I prefer adding nuts to some of my salads; I find that a better option. Nuts add texture and flavour and spark up a salad. Use a small handful, chop them up and sprinkle throughout your salad. Never use roasted always opt for raw.
Phase 3 and Beans:
You would have noticed on your Power Foods List that beans and legumes are excluded. Green beans are fine but not the rest. Now understand this, beans are an excellent source of protein and carbohydrate, one of the best combinations you can eat. They are a great source of fibre and almost the perfect food. BUT when it comes to weight loss in most cases, it slows fat loss down. When you hit your goals and as a treat during Phase 3 sure have legumes, lentils, chickpeas, hummus or any of the 4 and five bean mixes, add salt, pepper and a touch of olive oil, they taste great. Be careful when you re-introduce beans because they can make you feel bloated and uncomfortable.
When can I eat rice, pasta, ice cream, cake and drink lots of alcohol? WHEN YOU WANT TO GET FAT AGAIN...Haha. If you go to the Rapid Weight Loss Tab on your site and select Tips for Staying On Track, read that lesson, and you will never put weight on again. SIMPLE!
During Phase 3 you continue to weigh yourself at least once weekly, the scales are your best friend. You also keep checking your waist measurement; this must never increase. So eat and drink what you want but plan it. If you have a celebration of any sort on the weekend, then eat clean, follow your day planner all week and then enjoy the weekend. Come Monday, hop on the scales check for damage and choose either Phase 1 or 2, IT'S THAT SIMPLE!
Follow these Phase 3 Principles and keep the weight off forever!
- Stick to the Phase 2 day planner, timing and portion size
- Continue with your snacks but make sure your serve of protein is 85 grammes
- Hop on the scales and take a waist measurement at least once a week
- Plan and limit your cheat and treat meals or you will put all the weight back on
Lastly, you have done a great job making these changes. Learn from my 21-day challenge and you will never struggle with your weight ever again. These principles will keep you happy and healthy so you can enjoy life with your family and friends. That's my goal. Learn from my challenge and put it into practice for the next three months.
I am here if you need any help at all.
Yours in health
Max Lemme
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